Demonstration competition at ICPR 2012
November 11, 2012, Tsukuba, Japan
Pashalis Padeleris and Antonis Argyros
1) [1st place] Giving a Hand to Kinect. Nikolaos Kyriazis, Iason Oikonomidis, Antonis A. Argyros. FORTH and University of Crete, Greece. [Summary] [Video&code] [Slides] [Poster]
January 2013: NEW CODE VERSION. 3D Hand Tracking software of FORTH, an official OpenNI 2.0 Middleware Partner.
Related Links:
- OpenNI 2.0 framework for 3D applications development:
- OpenNI 2.0 launch press release:
- PrimeSense:
- Kinect 3D Hand Tracking demo: http://cvrlcode.ics.forth.g/handtracking
Dushyant Goyal (cooking dinner)
2) Kitchen Gesture Recognition with Microsoft Kinect based on Scene Context. Dushyant Goyal, Shubham Bansal, Shubham Gupta, Shubham Khandelwal. The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur, India. [Kitchen gesture contest] [Summary] [Poster]
Matthias Wölfel (at dinner time)
3) Kinetic Space. Matthias Wölfel. Phorzheim University. Germany. [Summary] [GoogleCode] [Video] [Slides] [Poster]
Hugo Jair Escalante, Alex Balan, Jeffrey Margolis, Paul Doliotis